Sunday 21 December 2008

world vision catalog

Many communities need clean drinking water, and so wells are a green gift from the World Vision catalog, Hermanson says. A well that's 60 feet deep serves 150 people with clean water for drinking, bathing, irrigating crops and watering livestock, the catalog says. Start her out with a "giving budget" and a copy of the World Vision catalog, which contains a smorgasbord of poverty-fighting items to donate . World Vision is a Christian relief organization that serves the world's poor regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

The Gift Catalog vividly communicates the needs of our global neighbors and explains the help that caring individuals like you can provide. It?s a great educational tool for families that also helps instill compassion in children. World Vision gifts connect people who are fighting poverty, and World Vision work in a community depends on their priorities. People may need your help to grow enough food to eat, improve access to education, healthcare and clean water. Can you imagine the line up of little gift bags? I have done it in the past, but always seem to forget someone.

Your gift combines with other shares to purchase a large and needed item, such as a deep well for a community. Among the portions available for purchase are shares of homes, pigs, prosthetic limbs, and eye surgery. This Christmas, I invite you to give a gift of hope to the world�s poor children. It is incredible that simple gifts like a school uniform or a goat can make such a huge difference to their lives and give them hope for the future. Get this catalog and see what wonderful gifts they offer. They are making it possible and affordable for you to help your friends in many countries receive livestock such as cows, goats, chickens and pigs or even help in getting a well dug in their countries.

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