Wednesday 31 December 2008

Sassy Water

The simple act of making this Sassy Water every day will serve as a reminder during the Four-Day Jumpstart that life is a little bit different, that things are going to change. It will help you focus on the task ahead: Getting a flatter belly once and for all. She recommends Cynthia?s "Sassy Water.".The ingredients, including ginger, cucumber, lemon and spearmint, aren?t just for flavor. The ginger helps soothe the digestive tract and it?s a lot perkier than plain water. One of the key elements of the Flat Belly Diet is to drink one full recipe of 'Sassy Water' during the four-day jumpstart period, a special concoction made with cold water, grated ginger, cucumber, lemon and spearmint leaves. The mixture is designed to detoxify the system and help stimulate weight loss; each recipe of sassy water makes two liters - enough for one day on the diet plan.

Exercise on the flat belly diet is encouraged, but the claims are that you don’t have to even exercise. This is what raised my eyes about the diet. The first days of a diet are never easy, and these four days are no exception. The authors are asking you to change how you eat and to give up some of the foods you're used to eating or drinking - and perhaps imagine you can't live without. Some people add vitamin C supplements or iron supplements (or both!) to their diets. But why separate the nutrients out and make them have to work so hard on their own?

The main focus of this diet are the MUFAs. It advocates at least three servings of MUFAs per day. All fluids (and water-packed foods) count toward your overall fluid intake, but bear in mind that not all of these fluids are permitted on the Flat Belly Diet! If your pet is suffering from allergies or other health problems, you could try changing their diet to include natural and organic food which is additive, preservative, and pesticide free.

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