Saturday 29 November 2008

Star Trek Insurrection

Paramount is really taking a dump on this which is too bad because I screened the film in September and it is extraordinary. There's very little action, it's just this really compelling mystery/thriller that has perhaps the best Trek film script since Star Trek II. Paramount includes a theatrical trailer and a teaser trailer, which is nice. Why the trailers are in 1.85:1 while the movie is 2.35:1 I don't really know. Paramount has wisely seen fit to return to anamorphic widescreen with this DVD, and the quality improvement is significant. The color is excellent, and these films are always vibrant, colorful celebrations of production design.

Picard and the crew defy Starfleet orders and act to prevent the relocation. Picard is confronted with orders that undermine that decree. If he obeys, 600 peaceful residents of Ba'ku will be forcibly removed from their remarkable world, all for the reportedly greater good of millions who will benefit from Ba'ku's Fountain of Youth-like powers. Picard counters with the Federation's Prime Directive, which instructs that the natural development of any civilization must not be interfered with.

Commander Data runs amok and taken a cultural survey team hostage, his first concern is to save Data--who will have to be destroyed if he cannot be repaired. But when Picard investigates, he finds something strange about the Ba'ku, the race the survey team was observing. Commander Data (Brent Spiner ) seemingly goes berserk and attacks the survey team, exposing their existence to the populace and jeopardizing the mission. Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart ) brings the Enterprise into orbit to try and apprehend Data and find out what happened . Commander Data is part of an invisible crew that’s monitoring the progress of this civilization. Without warning, Data apparently goes berserk, firing on the other anthropologists and exposing himself and the other scientists to the unsuspecting civilization.

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