Wednesday 26 November 2008

Renee Haugerud predicts

Renee Haugerud, founder of a $2.5 billion commodity hedge fund predicts oil will be $80 a barrel within the next 12 months. Commodity and other prices are likely to fall further as consumer demand continues to wane world wide due to rising unemployment and declining property values. Finally, my MoneyMasters interview with hedge fund manager Renee Haugerud is currently available for viewing. Renee manages about $675 million in a commodities-based global macro fund. In the past six years Renee Haugerud's Galtere International Fund .has grown from $1 million in client capital to $1.5 billion by being in commodities.

After a burst of price gains in the 1970s, as inflation spun out of control, commodities turned cold. Gold has been a rotten investment for most of the time since 1980. Right now, they're both working to depress economic growth and cool rising inflation. He has been known to take positions in Turkish glassmaking stocks, Serbian construction stocks and inflation-index-linked housing bonds in Iceland. Today he says he has no dominant positions and cites certain themes such as insurance providers in emerging markets and food.

The Governing Council will continue to keep inflation expectations firmly anchored in line with its medium-term objective. In so doing, it supports sustainable growth and employment and contributes to financial stability.

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