Thursday 23 July 2009

Peter Cammarano

Peter Cammarano has virtually never voted against a development proposal even when the proposed project didn't ensure that the developer would put in necessary infrastructure that the development would need only shoving that onto the tax payer. The development in the south west was done on what was a wetlands. Peter Cammarano is ready to get to work on Day One-to lower taxes, reform government, and deliver real change for Hoboken and all the families who live here. Peter is the only candidate running for Mayor who voted to pass a budget and stop the 47% tax increase. Peter Cammarano is a decision maker, and the time is now to elect this leader who will not shy away from difficult choices.

Peter Cammarano often attends arts events in town and has Hoboken artists’ work hanging in his home. He is familiar with Hoboken and Hudson County artists and speaks in an informed way about the Hoboken arts community.

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