Thursday 30 July 2009

Rev Ike

Reverend Ike preached the power of what he called "positive self-image psychology" to his 5,000 parishioners at the United Church Science of Living Institute. The church was housed in a former movie theater in New York 's Washington Heights neighborhood. Reverend Ike preached the power of what he called "positive self-image psychology" to his 5,000 parishioners at the United Church Science of Living Institute. The church was housed in a former movie theater in New York 's Washington Heights neighborhood.

Rev Ike also liked to write his own gospel verses! He really did, he would write stuff, as though it was from the bible, but when I cross-referenced them one day, acting on a hunch, I realized they were not from the bible?he had written them! Rev Ike was black and specialized in praying on poor and ignorant black people. I first saw one of his booklets in 1970.

Wednesday 29 July 2009


Rorschach, whose primary interest was in Jungian analysis, began experimenting with inkblots as early as 1911 as a means of determining introversion and extroversion. The Rorschach technique is administered using 10 cards, each containing a complicated inkblot pattern, five in color and five in black and white. Rorschach, improbably, rolled and spun across the screen, fluidly stealing weapons, breaking arms, rolling again: a graceful violent dance of invincibility. Rorschach experts, however, can find a great deal more meaning in these responses than lay people. Wogan knew that it was Linus Pauling's protocol, and took his knowledge of Pauling into account in his interpretations.

Rorschach’s wife was detained from leaving the country by a declaration of war and did not rejoin him in Switzerland until the spring of 1915. Rorschach’s explanation for her husband’s return to Switzerland was that "in spite of his interest in Russia and the Russians, he remained a true Swiss, attached to his native land He was European and intended to remain so at any price" (cited in Pichot, 1984, p. Rorschach held that a person's perceptual responses to inkblots could serve as clues to basic personality tendencies. He published the results of his studies on 300 mental patients and 100 normal subjects in the monograph Psychodiagnostik in 1921. Rorschach is exceptionally strong, although small, and he is a skilled improviser in combat, great in close quarters but also excellent with tactics.

Heidi Pratt

Heidi Pratt has been rushed to a Costa Rican hospital for a gastric ulcer she suffered while being "mistreated" on the NBC show I'm a Celebrity .Get me Out of Here !

TMZ reports that Heidi and husband Spencer Pratt, stars of the reality show The Hills , were kept in a dark room for a day and a night with only water and rice and beans as punishment for wanting to leave the show, and Heidi was "convulsingly throwing up."."They are now going to be examined, and their value system utterly deconstructed .These people really are going to bare their souls," said an NBC spokesman about the isolation.

Heidi Pratt is in negotiations to pose (partially) nude for Playboy. Between the almost white hair, the weave, the fake rack, and collagen injected lips, it seems that Heidi has been headed on a steady path to the Playboy mansion for some time.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Jim Johnson

Jim Johnson will be missed -- let’s make no mistake about that. He will be missed on Tuesday nights in game-plan meetings, he will be missed on game days making the right calls at the right time. Jim Johnson was first and foremost a friend and our hearts are with his family at this difficult time. Jim was an exceptional coach who had an incredible passion for his work. Jim Johnson was one of if not the greatest defensive mind in the NFL. My heart is certainly saddened at the news that he has died.

Dayana Mendoza

Dayana Mendoza beat 27 other candidates to win Miss Venezuela 2007 on September 13, 2007, and became only the second woman representing the Amazonas state to win (the first being Carolina Izsak in 1991). Her prize package included cash, a year contract promoting Miss Universe, world travel, a rent-free, prestigious New York City flat, luxury apartment and a gift bag stuffed with designer shoes, dresses and beauty products, a $100,000 stipend for a 2-year course at the New York Film Academy and free access to famous fashion houses and beauty parlors. Dayana Mendoza, the 22-year old stunner from Venezuela, has bagged the title of Miss Universe 2008. With this, she has become the second woman representing the Amazonas state to win Miss Universe title, the first one being Carolina Izsak (Miss Universe 1991).

Monday 27 July 2009


Chartis also highlighted SAS to have shown a good flow of ongoing innovation over the past 24 months. Lastly, SAS was noted as one of the leaders in positioning itself as a one-stop shop for risk management software especially with the addition of financial crime solutions such as SAS Anti-Money Laundering and fraud detection. Chartis analyses the systems, products, vendors, applications and trends in the risk technology marketplace. This analysis is published in our flagship industry reports, white papers and research articles. Chartis, with its own brand and management team and a well-capitalized and focused portfolio of businesses, will benefit from a better-defined, more distinct role in the marketplace. Moor and a leadership team that have an average of more than 20 years of insurance industry experience.

Chartis states that risk management technology leaders like Fiserv will play a crucial role in the financial crime management markets development. Chartis adds ?in doing so, they will shape both the definition and methodologies of financial crime risk management and in the structure of the industry as a whole.? Chartism also provided many working class individuals with useful political experience, of which they took full advantage when participating in the many reform movements during the later Victorian era.

Sunday 26 July 2009

Cross Atlantic Communication Day

Gisborne was defeated by the harsh terrain and inadequate cable technology and, mostly, sheer lack of funds to lay the first transatlantic cable. But his brave attempt inspired a wealthy New York merchant named Cyrus Field to try his hand. But in 1866, the Old and New Worlds were united by the successful laying of a cable across the Atlantic. John Steele Gordon's book chronicles this extraordinary achievement -- the brainchild of American businessman Cyrus Field and one of the greatest engineering feats of the nineteenth century. The cable manager often became a key member of society for the further flung outposts of imperial society. In Australia, Alice Springs actually came to life as the central station for the overland 2000 mile Telegraph line stretching from Adelaide to the North.

The first transatlantic fiber optic cable, TAT-8 , was installed in 1988. The exchange rate between the United States dollar and British pound is still colloquially known as "cable" by financial marketeers on account of the fact the rate of exchange was one of the early uses of the transatlantic cable. The weight of the new cable was 35.75 long hundredweight (4000 lb) per nautical mile (980 kg/km), or nearly twice the weight of the old. Transatlantic cables of the nineteenth century consisted of an outer layer of iron and later steel wire, wrapping India rubber, wrapping gutta-percha, which surrounded a multi-stranded copper wire at the core. The portions closest to each shore landing had additional protective armor wires.

vernon forrest dead

Investigators are asking from the witnesses to get any reasonable clue that lead them to the suspects. However, no any arrests have been made yet regarding the murder of the boxer. Investigators said at least two men jumped out of a red Chevrolet Monte Carlo and tried to steal Forrest's car. The boxer had a gun and started running after the suspects."The victim and suspect became involved in a brief foot chase," Lt.

Alexis Cohen

Alexis Cohen 25, was enjoying her stay In Seaside Heights when a car struck her and took off from the scene. Alexis was found lying on a Jersey road by someone who was going by and they happen to come upon her body and call 911. Alexis Cohen a contentious contestant on American Idol was found dead in New Jersey after an apparent hit and run. The police found her lying on the roadside after a citizen found her early Saturday. Alexis Cohen 25, was enjoying her stay In Seaside Heights when a car struck her and took off from the scene. Alexis was found lying on a Jersey road by someone who was going by and they happen to come upon her body and call 911.

Saturday 25 July 2009

Erin Andrews

Erin Andrews then moved to Turner Broadcasting System in 2002 taking charge of sports anchoring for one of its wings Turner Sports. For two years until 2004, Erin stayed with Turner Sports reporting the proceedings of Atlanta Braves and college football. Erin Andrews didn’t need Deadspin to be objectified – that happened nationally the day she got on camera as eye candy – but Deadspin doesn’t help these situations. She has improved some – but she is still there for eye candy, not serious sports reporting. Erin Andrews made the headlines for another reason in July 2009 after a foul ball hit by New York Met Alex Cora struck the reporter in the chin during the fourth inning of a Mets-Dodgers game. She was taken to hospital, but luckily only suffered minor bruising.

Erin Andrews is a sideline reporter for ESPN, a job that has always been linked to sexism. It is one of the few positions available to women in major sports broadcasts, but the women who fill the role are selected as much for their physical appearance as their broadcast skills. Erin Andrews isn't the first "good girl" to be exposed in this way. Vanessa Williams famously resigned her Miss America title after someone tried to publish nude photos of her without her consent. Erin Andrews' popularity can be attributed to the sports blog Deadspin. For those of you who are not aware of it, Deadspin pokes fun at the celebrity of sports, and the media that covers it.

Friday 24 July 2009

Susan Eisenhower

Susan Eisenhower writes with sensitivity and insight about her grandmother bringing Mamie to life with vivid vignettes and anecdotes, Ike, too--I learned a great deal that was new to me about him. She gets the details and the whole, of the supposed affair with Kay Summersby exactly right, and shares with us Mamie's private and quite sensible reaction and response. Susan Eisenhower is an accomplished professional, the president of an international consulting firm. She also happens to be Ike's granddaughter--and in that role, she's the humble torchbearer for moderate "Eisenhower Republicans.".Increasingly, however, she says that the partisanship and free spending of the Bush presidency--and the takeover of the party by single-issue voters, especially pro-lifers--is driving these pragmatic, fiscally conservative voters out of the GOP. Susan Eisenhower has been a liberal for years.

Susan Eisenhower is an exceptionally intelligent, informed and serious person. Yet, consider how long it has taken someone with far more intellect than most people possess to come to such a determination and decision. Susan Eisenhower is President of the Eisenhower Group , Inc, which provides strategic counsel on political, business and public affairs projects. She has consulted for Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies doing business in the emerging markets of the former Soviet Union and for a number of major institutions and companies engaged in the energy field. Susan Eisenhower helps readers see her grandmother as her husband did \u2013 a heroic and irresistible figure in her own right.

Thursday 23 July 2009

Peter Cammarano

Peter Cammarano has virtually never voted against a development proposal even when the proposed project didn't ensure that the developer would put in necessary infrastructure that the development would need only shoving that onto the tax payer. The development in the south west was done on what was a wetlands. Peter Cammarano is ready to get to work on Day One-to lower taxes, reform government, and deliver real change for Hoboken and all the families who live here. Peter is the only candidate running for Mayor who voted to pass a budget and stop the 47% tax increase. Peter Cammarano is a decision maker, and the time is now to elect this leader who will not shy away from difficult choices.

Peter Cammarano often attends arts events in town and has Hoboken artists’ work hanging in his home. He is familiar with Hoboken and Hudson County artists and speaks in an informed way about the Hoboken arts community.

Management Leadership for Tomorrow

Management Leadership for Tomorrow identifies high-potential talent and teaches them the skills they will need to succeed in business through academic and mentorship opportunities. As part of their operations, the organization conducts academic programs which involve large numbers of students at various stages of their careers. Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT), a similar organisation set up in 1994, takes the same approach. It has two main programmes: Career Preparation, which helps students get entry-level business-related jobs after college; and MBA Preparation, designed to help young professionals apply successfully to leading business schools.

MLT provides the core features to read and write video. We need powerful image processing features. MLT can help increase revenue by capturing unbilled AR�s faster and more efficiently. We can also help with industry and government compliance. MLT Vacations partners with airlines, hotels and tour companies to offer complete travel packages to fun and exciting worldwide destinations. We boast an easy and convenient, "one-stop" travel shopping experience, attractive pricing, and exceptional customer service.

Friday 3 July 2009

Fourth of July FAQ

Oh, the smell of the barbecues cooking and the sound of children laughing at the fireworks in the air on the Fourth of July. It brings fond memories of past celebrations and makes you look forward to coming celebrations. It is more than just a day to spend at the beach or in the backyard. It is a day that has significant historical meaning in the United States. Far too often the firework displays and outdoor concerts make people forget why Independence Day is celebrated each year. Sure, you get a national holiday off from work, or at least some people do, but what do you really know about this holiday? In this article we will cover why this day is so special and how other countries have their own Independence Day's. Perhaps it will remind you of how new the United States actually is and why this day is celebrated so much.

What is the Declaration of Independence?

On July 4th, 1775 the Continental Congress approved a document that stated that the colonies in America would no longer subject themselves to foreign rule. It is a formal document stating why the colonies were at war with Great Britain and would no longer be under the King George III jurisdiction. The document listed the grievances that the colonies had with his rule over them and set forth a list of certain rights that gave the colonies the choice in who ruled them. In fact one of the most widely known sentences came from the Declaration of Independence. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Those words have been taught to every school child in the United States so that each would know that they are entitled to these unalienable rights.

What is the myth regarding the Declaration of Independence and the Fourth of July?

The big myth that most people do not know is that the Declaration of Independence was not signed by all the delegates on July 4th, 1776. It was actually signed later on August 2nd. The myth was so widespread that even John Adams and Thomas Jefferson (later in their years) believed that they and all the other delegates actually signed on the Fourth of July in 1776. Another fact that many Americans do not realize is that the legal separation from the colonies actually happened July 2nd 1776.

If I want to have a Fourth of July party, what type of theme should I use?

The most obvious theme to have for your Independence Day bash would to be a patriotic theme. You could hang flags around your house and in your yard. There are also tons of recipes that play on the "Red, White and Blue" theme. But you do not have to go with the obvious choice. You can have a luau for your party where everyone wears grass skirts and has leis around their necks. The choices are endless. If you do a search for party theme ideas on the internet, you are going to have hundreds to choose from.

What are some traditional foods to serve on the Fourth of July?

You just cannot go wrong with grilling. You can grill: hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks, seafood, poultry, pork and vegetables. Plus grilling allows everyone to gather around in the backyard for some conversation and games. A big hit with children is making S'mores. You can make S'mores by building a small fire in a fire pit and having the kids toast marshmallows over the fire with long sticks. Once the marshmallow is nice and toasted place it between two graham crackers with a piece of chocolate. The heat of the marshmallow will melt the chocolate and you will have an ooey gooey delight. Just make sure to heavily supervise the children while they are near the fire and always keep a garden hose or fire extinguisher on hand just in case the fire gets out of control.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Best Fourth of July Celebrations

Choosing between the nationwide Fourth of July celebrations can be difficult, with over 16,000 options. According to Julie L. Heckman, executive director of the American Pyrotechnics Association, you want to look for three things with your fireworks show, "a beautiful backdrop, unique choreography and a carefully chosen, exhilarating barrage of shells." She personally recommends the Boston 4th of July festival, which houses the second largest show in the nation with more than 30,000 exploding shells timed to the sounds of the Boston pops orchestra. However, if standing with 500,000 other people isn't your idea of fun Fourth of July activities, then there are more low-key options too.

The first place Americans think of when it comes to Fourth of July celebrations is our nation's capital, Washington D.C. There is much to do around town during this exciting week. The annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival, which runs until July 6th, along the National Mall features artists, performers and craft makers. If the parade Fourth of July festivities appeal to you, then head to Constitution Avenue, where an enormous parade of impressive floats, bands, balloons and military personnel walk past stately national monuments. At nightfall, you can head to the West Lawn of the Capitol Building to listen to the National Symphony Orchestra and watch fireworks illuminate the Washington Monument.

Boston, home to the American Revolution, makes another obvious Fourth of July celebrations hotspot. Each year, 500,000 spectators clamor to see tens of thousands of fireworks blast off over the Charles River for 23 minutes. The Boston Pops Symphony Orchestra provides the accompaniment for this awe-inspiring show. In addition to the luminary display, there are over 200 Fourth of July events during the week-long Boston Harborfest. In historic downtown Boston, there are many free concerts, kid's events, tours and food festivals, like the Boston Chowderfest, which attracts 12,000 people each year. The Declaration of Independence will be read from the balcony of the Old State House, whale watch cruises will depart, 18th Century artifacts will be on display, gun drills and walking actors like Paul Revere will all be part of the Boston 4th of July festivities.

For families, amusement parks often offer the best Fourth of July celebrations. Sea World in San Antonio, Texas is renowned for its 20-minute fireworks show over Water Ski Lake. The explosions are all less than 250 feet in the air, so it feels like the display is just right above your head, with thunderous booms, cracks and sparks. Jet sparks and spinning sparks may be just fifteen feet from you, giving audiences a more intense display. Disneyworld, of course, is noted for having expensive nightly fireworks displays and their Fourth of July decorations are no exception. While the show may only last thirteen minutes, it's like a continuous grand finale with fireworks launched from 24 different locations to surround spectators. When you're not watching fireworks, you can visit the "America" section of Epcot to walk through the Hall of Presidents, take in the sounds of the America Fife and Drum Corps and eat a good old-fashioned cheeseburger at the Liberty Inn Restaurant.