Tuesday 11 August 2009

GM's Chevy Volt

GM will guarantee the original performance of the Volt pack for that amount of time – in other words it will still have a nominal 40-mile range after 150,000 miles. If it doesn't live up to that spec, the pack will be replaced free of charge. GM will also be posting their videos and photos here. Want to know when the next Volt event will occur, go to the events page . GM as a whole shared that confidence and at the 2007 Detroit Auto Show unveiled an early concept-car version of the Volt. To the surprise of even Lutz, it was the hit of the show.

GM is still wrangling with the Environmental Protection Agency over the vehicle's efficiency, but executives say the final number should be north of 100 mpg for both types of power. GM also confirms it will eventually rid itself of the Hummer, Saab, and Saturn brands, all of which are under strategic review. Hummer and Saab are being shopped around to interested parties?which are few and far between?with Saab possibly entering reorganization as early as next month if a buyer is not found and a bailout deal fails to materialize with the Swedish government. GM looked at 27 different battery companies before choosing to work with these two, and it’s important to understand that not all lithium ion battery technology is equal. For example, Tesla Motors is using the same type of battery that you would find in a laptop, but GM decided to take a different route to avoid the prohibitive cost of this system.

GM anticipates Volt buyers will plug their cars into home electric sockets each evening and then drive more than 40 miles (65 kilometers) a day on the overnight charge. The Volt would thus reduce our nation's petroleum consumption and, presumably, its production of greenhouse gas emissions. GM seems to be perpetually behind the technology curve, and to bet on them getting this right seems foolhardy at best. That being said, there is always that chance that they might surprise me, and if they do that they will do more than make a profit, they will have saved an American icon. GM subjected the Volt to 700 hours in the wind tunnel, as every five counts of drag represents a quarter mile of electric range. For example, a 5-mm lip inserted into the rear spoiler and the streamlined design of the side mirrors add a quarter mile to the Volt?s range.

Monday 10 August 2009

stokke strollers

Children will love this stroller because the seat is set high. With the Xplory, children will be at almost the same eye level as adults. Children will love this stroller because the seat is set high. With the Xplory, children will be at almost the same eye level as adults.

I'd personally worry a bit about tipping the stroller if I added too much weight to the handle or not enough to the basket. I'd recommend that for a high chair. I'd just rather get the restaurants high chairs filthy personally, and keep my stroller a little cleaner but that's just me!

Bugaboo stroller drastically increase the freedom of movement and make one of the most mobile, flexible, simple, lightweight, functional, innovative strollers on the market. Bugaboo strollers and bassinets distinguish themselves through integrated functionality, streamlined design, intuitive handling, and a distinct personality. Bugaboo makes the adaptor pieces that allow you to click the car seat on the Bugaboo chassis. It can be folded away to just 20x35 inch quickly and easily and fits in the trunk of the smallest car. Bugaboo is world famous for rethinking the mobility needs of parents and creating a new breed of stroller that is versatile, streamlined, and has a personality all its own. With Bugaboo strollers, parents have more mobility options than ever before.

Bugaboo owners start sharing their experiences with parents to be: sisters, colleagues, neighbours. In the end there is nothing more powerful than that. Bugaboo Frog reviews state it is ?the best looking and best designed stroller" to own. Once you get done reading the Bugaboo Frog stroller reviews, check out more baby stroller reviews to see what else is on the market. Bugaboo (the stroller company) used to make something they called "bag hooks" so you could hang shopping bags to your stroller. But then I suppose some idiot must have loaded down the stroller with too much stuff and flipped the stroller, because a while ago they stopped making them.

Thursday 6 August 2009


NetLingo is an online dictionary about the Internet. It contains thousands of words and definitions that describe the technology and community of the World Wide Web. NetLingo reports a 391% increase in the number of unique visitors over the past five years, while UrbanDictionary says it saw a 40% jump in its unique visitors last June from June 2008. NetLingo is a dictionary of Internet terms used in the online world. It began in 1995 as a Web site, NetLingo.com, which began tracking hundreds of new words and terms that were emerging on a daily basis surrounding the community and technology of the Internet, the World Wide Web, computers, and the high-tech industries.

NetLingo is now bookmarked in my favorites. Beware – text messaging language contains expletives that are listed by first letter and ***. NetLingo has thousands of Web definitions and online jargon terms! Look up whatever you need to know about cyberspace. NetLingo.com (http://www.netlingo.com ) is a one-stop dictionary for the Internet-challenged and savvy alike. NetLingo.com defines words, terms, jargon, and acronyms.

Don Imus

Don Imus, the talk radio host, has gone public with his diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer. Imus has not discussed his treatment choices. Don Imus and his radio sidekicks have gotten away with their corrosive banter before, but this time was different. Imagine yourself a parent of a teenager or young woman somewhere in her early twenties, a young athlete still in her formative years whose only crime is that she?s been spotted shooting hoops with her friends. Don Imus and his wife run a cattle ranch for children with cancer. They sell a line of foods where all the profits go to this ranch.

Don Imus is the grumpy and controversial host of the nationally-syndicated Imus in the Morning radio show. Imus started his career as a radio deejay in California in 1968 and moved to New York in 1971. Don Imus is back on the air. And although Imus apologizes for racist comments, Vivian Stringer--coach of the Rutgers women's basketball team that was targeted by Imus' sexist and racist comments--says she's still angry (Read her statement ). Don Imus simply said what anyone living in the real world often thinks. The degree of intolerance directed towards Don Imus underscores the hypocrisy of political correctness.