Monday 5 January 2009

Burton Snowboards

Burton snowboards are offering a free ski lift ticket and a free learn how to ride lesson with the purchase of a 2009 Burton Snowboard under $359.95. Burton Snowboards has been involved in the competitive side of the sport since the beginning. March 2002 marked the 20th anniversary of the U.S. Burton Snowboards� growth and dedication to making superior snowboarding equipment has helped fuel the expansion of snowboarding worldwide. Now 30 years after its start, the passion for providing �the best ride� continues.

With Burton Snowboards engineering innovative Learn-To-Ride (LTR) products specifically designed to facilitate and accelerate learning, want-to-be snowboarders around the world are living large after years of ignorance and misdirected instructional programs. Developed in conjunction with the American Association of Snowboard Instructors (AASI) and major resorts around North America, the LTR methodology stresses getting people to link turns?actually feel what it?s like to snowboard?in the first lesson.

Sunday 4 January 2009

diplomatic immunity

Diplomatic immunity as an institution developed to allow for the maintenance of government relations, including during periods of difficulties and even armed conflict. When receiving diplomats � formally, representatives of the sovereign � the receiving head of state grants certain privileges and immunities to ensure that they may effectively carry out their duties, on the understanding that these will be provided on a reciprocal basis. Diplomatic immunity from local employment and labor law when employing staff from the host country has precipitated abuse. When the employer is a diplomat, the employees are in a legal limbo where the laws of neither the host country nor the diplomat's country are enforceable. Diplomatic immunity allows foreign representatives to work in host countries without fully understanding all the customs of that country. However, diplomats are still expected to respect and follow the laws and regulations of their host countries; immunity is not a license to commit crimes.

Diplomatic immunity is not meant to benefit individuals personally; it is meant to ensure that foreign officials can do their jobs. Under the concept of reciprocity, diplomats assigned to any country in the world benefit equally from diplomatic immunity. Diplomatic immunity, though it does give these representatives additional rights and protections that seem unreasonable, restricts the rights and abilities of corrupt governments to use these same diplomats as leverage on the international stage. The benefits of diplomatic immunity come from its reciprocity: Though we forfeit our right to prosecute a potential criminal in our own borders, our representatives around the world enjoy the same protections from what may be less 'just' governments. Diplomatic immunity is not an impenetrable shield against the laws of the land, but more of a courtesy extended to diplomats who cannot afford to be held up by minor traffic violations or other misdemeanors.


If it’s utter peace and quiet you’re after, then head to Barbuda, the lesser-known of the two islands. It feels untouched by progress, with the principal inhabitants being the graceful frigate birds. Arawaks introduced agriculture to Antigua and Barbuda, raising, among other crops, the famous Antiguan "Black" pineapple. They also cultivated various other foods including: corn sweet potatoes (White with firmer flesh than the bright orange "sweet potato" used in the United States.) chiles guava tobacco cotton Some of the vegetables listed, such as corn and sweet potatoes, still play an important role in Antiguan cuisine. Your Antigua and Barbuda google satellite map sightseeing starts here!

Buy Antigua & Barbuda maps and an Antigua & Barbuda travel guide to ensure you get the most out of your holdiday. The islands of Antigua and Barbuda form a small nation whose strategic importance is greater than its size. Located at the outer curve of the Leeward Islands, Antigua and Barbuda are well placed for strategic defense of the Caribbean against outside forces. The prime minister chooses a Cabinet to help run government agencies in Antigua and Barbuda. The island nation has a two-house Parliament elected by the people.